“KOI cantando danzavamo”
is a site-adapted performance, emerging from an ongoing research around a strong, archaic and performative bond between nature and culture, as well as the still present ritual of the Carnival. This physical performance celebrates nature, fertility, Mother Earth, and natural elements. Dance and original soundscapes by Francesco Medda (Arrogalla) engage the audience in a universal “sardonic” ritual where past and future meet in a suspended time.
“Passavamo sulla terra leggeri”
[Lightly we crossed the land]
Sergio Atzeni writes about a rite called KOI, about masked men with wooden legs, dancing on cliffs at night. Moving to a live electronic soundscape, the performers animate the original dark-wooden masks from Mamoiada Carnival, handcrafted by Franco Sale, thus reinterpreting the tradition (for the masks are only worn by men and combined with heavy and rich costumes).
The piece has been shown is many archaeological sites in Sardinia since 2015. From 4 to 9 masks/ performers lightly move around the open-air stage, at times reminding of a flock or a swarm, or the force of natural elements.
lives and works in Alghero, on the island of Sardinia, Italy. She is an actor, teacher, director, and founding member of Spazio T – cultural association, Theatre School, Youth Center and Production Company. She graduated at Teatro Arsenale School in Milan, based on Lecoq’s method.
She obtained a degree in Communication Sciences (specialisation in Cinema, Theatre and Cultural Events Planning) at Catholic University, Milan.
While exploring the blending and interweaving among different theatrical languages, Chiara Murru’s theatrical approach focuses on the body and movement, and the potential of archeological and unconventional sites for creating site-specific performances. She is creator and artistic director of the Festival Mamatita in Alghero, conceived as one big dramaturgical action addressing the local community, where the whole city turns into an open-air theatre.
She collaborates with various public institutions, cultural and social organisations as an artistic project manager.
Arrogalla is electronic music producer and performer. He was born in Quartu Sant’Elena, Sardinia (IT), in 1981.
Since 2003, he is been developing Arrogalla, dub music project inspired by Sardinians traditions, environments and landscapes. He is the founder of the netlabel Mime and co-founder of the Malasorti, Baska and Bentesoi projects. He has performed throughout Europe and has published for national and international music record labels.
Francesco Medda is a creator of original soundscapes and collaborates in theatre, video, photography and dance projects.
Direction and original creation: Chiara Murru
Sound - Live set: Francesco Medda Arrogalla
Assistant director: Eleonora Marzani
Masks: Franco Sale
Costumes: Luisella Conti
Regular performers: Samuel Puggioni, Céline Brynart, Luisella Conti, Antonio Iavarone, Chiara Murru, Elena Muresu.
Video: Laura Piras
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- Via Roma 144, Sassari (IT)
- Phone: +39 079278275
- Email: info@leragazzeterribili.com
- Web: www.leragazzeterribili.com